About us About the Saltire Society The History of the Saltire Society “[Founded] by a group of people who wished to see not a mere revival of the arts of the past, but a renewal of the life which made them such as the Scots themselves experienced...” Christopher Harvie, Bulletin of Scottish Politics, 1981 The Saltire Society was founded in 1936 by a group of likeminded individuals who believed in the unique culture of Scotland. They endevoured to foster and enrich Scotland's creators and that goal remains with us still. Over these 85 years we have celebrated Scottish song, oral history, literature, civil engineering, film-making and Arts in Public Places. The Society championed prominent creators like Alasdair Gray and Louise Welsh as emerging talent, and we take pride in continuing to recognise exceptional new creators. The Society has thrived throughout innumerable governments and political cultures but has never been associated with a political party. We stand for progress, productive debate and new ideas. The founding ideals of the Society - to foster and enrich - still at our core and are championed every day by our team, governance, members and partners.