Fletcher of Saltoun Lecture 2024


The Saltire Society hosted the Fletcher of Saltoun Lecture 2024 with guest speaker, Mary Miller, on Opera: What’s the Point? on Monday 27th May 2024.


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Watch the recording of the Fletcher Lecture 2024 on Opera: What's the Point? with Mary Miller

Mary Miller

Image shows Mary Miller, speaker at the Fletcher of Saltoun Lecture 2024 on Opera: What's the Point?

Mary Miller began her career as a concert violinist. before becoming Music Editor for Scotland´s national newspaper, a prominent broadcaster, and director of Northlands Festival which celebrated Scotland´s links with the Nordic countries.

 She led new work at English National Opera before moving to the USA to direct the International Festival of Arts & Ideas, one of East Coast America´s most prestigious and comprehensive festivals. She also became a Fellow of Branford College, Yale.

 Miller directed Stavanger2008, European Capital of Culture, Norway´s biggest ever cultural programme with over 1000 events and projects. Stavanger2008´s impact has been formidable; the project was described by EY assessors as ‘perhaps the finest ECOC artistically, ever’.

 After designing culture and heritage programmes for a number of European cities, in 2010, she became General and Artistic Director of Bergen National Opera, now firmly established as one of Europe´s most innovative small opera organisations, acclaimed for its productions, talent development, and work in the community. Her work has attracted numerous international awards.

 She is leading the national celebrations for St Giles 900, the cathedral´s ninth centennial in 2024, commissioning building large-scale events combining international artists with community participation.

 A member of the European Cultural Parliament, she continues to work internationally as a writer, speaker and mentor on cultural policy.